My personal delusions of mediocrity in this crazy world. Why Destroy Your Own Community? I get that people are angry, but tonight is once again evidence that people are looking for an excuse to act like savages. People are breaking into and destroying businesses, shooting at the Ferguson police department, surrounding and destroying a marked police car. This is complete and utter BS. WHY would you destroy your neighborhood? This entry was posted in Ferguson Missouri.
Producing Your Product Or Welfare Check In Unearned Income? The Commy Public Employee. The Public Employee has a mission, a product they must produce otherwise it is unearned income. That is all the people must be healthy, self prospering people. If not they are not earning their incomes and benefits. That makes it all unearned income. Another day, another million or more adult Welfare Pussies executed for mass murdering, Public Hoaxing, exto.